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Help For Teen Mental health and Addiction in Reno | Strong Minds Treatment Center

Strong Minds Treatment Center in Reno, NV. can help your teen recover from addiction and mental health issues with compassionate care by a professional, experienced staff.

Get Help With Mental health issues and Addiction in Reno, NV

Strong Minds Treatment Center in Reno, NV, can help your teen recover from addiction and underlying mental health issues with compassionate care from professional, experienced staff.

Teen Rehab Center in Reno, NV  

Strong Minds Treatment Center is a teen rehab center in Reno, NV that offers compassionate adolescent behavioral health care for teens between the ages of 12 and 17 struggling with substance abuse or mental health issues.


Compassionate Care For Teens

Strong Minds Treatment Center provides a safe environment for teens to learn, grow, and transform to a better lifestyle. By taking a compassionate and empathetic approach, we empower teens to look within themselves and discover who they really are and what their true passions in life entail. This encourages them to embrace their passions, envision a better way of life, and set their own goals to work towards. In addition, we have small staff to patient ratios, allowing us to spend more time with each individual. We use motivational interviewing techniques and a variety of therapies that include the following:

Intensive Equine Therapy

Equine Intensive Therapy, is a type of treatment that involves equine environment and/or equine activities to promote emotional, physical, and occupational growth in those suffering from Anxiety, ADD, Autism, Dementia, Depression, Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delay, traumatic brain injuries, Genetic Syndromes like Down Syndrome, abuse issues, behavioral issues, and other mental health problems.


Music Therapy

Music Therapy is the evidence-based, clinical use of therapeutic music interventions to help accomplish individualized goals. These interventions can address various educational and healthcare goals, such as alleviate pain, promote wellness, improve communication, manage stress, promote physical rehabilitation, express feelings, and more.


Dialectical Therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is evidence-based psychotherapy that started with treating borderline personality disorder. However, it was later discovered that DBT can help treat other behavioral disorders as well, such as suicidal ideation, mood disorders, and behavioral pattern changes associated with substance use that can lead to self-harm.


Who We Are

Dr. Dharmendra K. Goyal of Strong Minds Treatment Center is a multi-award winning psychiatric physician who works with individuals of all ages and those with dual diagnoses. However, Dr. Goyal’s specialty lies in helping adolescents overcome addiction and mental health issues through unique needs, individualized new concept treatments, and by providing teens with medicine that can help reduce withdrawal symptoms. Our staff is kind, caring, experienced, and committed to providing our clients and their families with the best possible experience during their time with us.


Take The First Step To Recovery

Reach out to one of our Reno teen rehab centers, so we can help lead you to recovery. We are a teen substance abuse rehabilitation center that provides compassionate care and individualized treatment plans that work so you can start living a healthier, happier lifestyle.